Wednesday, May 27, 2009

National Honors Society Induction Ceremony

Last night I attended the National Honors Society Induction Ceremony as a current NHS member. There were probably about forty new members inducted and all current seniors were honored. The night began with many words of wisdom from Dr. Beach and Dr. Peterson. Following the opening comments was a speech delivered by Eastview Alumi James Hollman. James graduated in 2005 and now attends Stanford. He delivered an inspiring message about questioning everything and challenging yourself. Next, there were some more wise words from our current NHS president Elle Shultz. After that the event of saying the oath and inducting the many new sophomores and juniors began. This is a very exciting moment for them as I remember being inducted last year. After the completion of the induction, Dr. Beach took the time to honor our current seniors and give them their NHS cords. Then our new officers took the place of the old ones while bestowing many awards and scholarships. The night wrapped up with some wise words from our new current junior president, Sarah Malaske. Dr. Beach said his congratulations and we celebrated in the commons afterwards. The night overall was very eventful and memorable for our new and current members.

--Molly Placeway

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